Monday, June 18, 2007

Share and share alike...

I really want your stories and photos...if you've stumbled on this blog, or if you're a friend, I really would love to keep this one up and running, and would love to include your stories and photos about beloved clothing, haunted or otherwise.

Whether you shop retail or recycled, boutique or bargain, I want to include your stories and personal experiences with clothing and accessories.


My sexy green shoes...ouch.

I found the world's coolest shoes at Nordstrom a few weeks ago. They didn't have my size, so the lovely salesgirl ordered them for me from another store. Love her. My justification for spending $100 on green and pink, four-inch wedge heels was the wedding that Ryan and I were in this weekend. As I got myself all settled in my wedding attire (a cute, brown, low-cut halter dress), I realized that maybe these shoes wouldn't be the most comfortable for running around chasing RE. But, princess that I am, I make sacrifices for beauty. And these shoes were HOT.

Before the ceremony even started, I noticed that my left heel was hurting a little more than I'd like. I pulled my shoe off, and realized that I was bearing the tell-tale mark of an evil shoe: a blister! Before the ceremony!! I was able to do a quick fix with some band-aids, but ew! How ugly was that?!

By the end of the night, I was hobbling to my car, baby on my hip, pushing our heavily laden stroller, cursing my desire for the world's cutest shoes. My feet were swollen, and I spent the entire next day nursing the bruises on the balls of my feet.

I am returing the shoes today, and sad as I am, at least I got to wear the world's hottest shoes once...I'm now on the lookout for hot green and pink FLATS!!